What time should I arrive?
7:15am if you are on duty as you will need to assist setting up your site.
7:30am at the latest if you are not on duty. Warm up with your club. This is a great habit for your children to get into each week and will follow the same format as at training.
What time can I leave?
If you are on rostered duties, you can leave as soon as the last event has run through your site and everything is packed away in the equipment shed. This will vary from week to week.
If you aren’t on duty, you can leave whenever you like. The athletes do earn points for each event they complete, however it’s at your discretion as to how many and which events they compete in.
What should I bring?
Chairs/picnic rug to use under our tents.
Drink bottles and light snacks to keep the kids going. There is a weekly canteen and coffee van.
Hats and sunscreen – slip slop slap!
There is a minimum 20 minutes rest time between each event, so some children also bring colouring/activities to do when not hanging with their mates.
Rules of competition
- Have fun and try your best
- DO NOT climb the fence, always enter the arena through a gate.
- Remember that everyone on site is a parent volunteer, always be kind.
- Be a good sport, encourage and celebrate everyone, regardless of which club they are from.
- Treat all athletes as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with any other athlete.
What is the format of the day?
The “First Call” is made at 7:45am and this is for the majority of the age groups. After the first calls, calls will be made as a site becomes available and this may vary from week to week. These are marked off on a large board at the announcers tent. One cross = first call, two crosses = event in progress, three crosses the event is completed.
What to do when you are called:
- If it’s a field event (Jumps and Throws)
- Under 12 head to the Marshalling area, under the big tree at the end of the buildings and wait for a Parent Marshall to come and get you and take you to your event
- Over 12, make your way safely to your allocated event site
- If it’s a track event (running or walks) make your way to the starting point on the track and wait for the Track Marshalls to sort you into your lanes.
For the first few weeks during first attempts of an event, athletes will be put into alphabetical order. Once you are competing for a second time at the event, you will be put into order according to results.
Parents are welcome to follow their athlete and watch from the outside of the arena.
Who should I speak to if I have a question?
Your Club Manager is your first point of call for all enquiries. They are a wealth of knowledge and if needed will make contact with the Arena Manager: Damien Pinel.
If there is equipment broken at your site, please see our Equipment Manager: Justin Page who is usually floating around the equipment shed.
How do I access my athlete’s results?
You can log into ResultsHQ.com.au and see all your athletes’ results. Some of these are automatic, others are entered manually but all will be double checked again at the start of the week. If you think there has been an error, please don’t enter the results room and approach the volunteers. Please see your Club Manager to action. A star next to your athletes result will indicate they have received a PB (tip: Turn your phone horizontal to see these easier when in the full event results).
Ern Clarke Athletics Centre Map