

Uniform for Saturday Competition.

The correct club uniform and footwear must be worn at Saturday competition, or an athlete will be excluded from participating. A period of 2 weeks grace will be allowed at the commencement of the
season for athletes competing with incorrect club uniform. Beyond this period athletes
will receive a single warning and their registration number recorded in the Arena
Manager’s book and their Club Manager advised. Any subsequent breach by the same
athlete will result in them being excluded from competition until the correct uniform is
worn. If mitigating circumstances exist, athletes may compete out of uniform subject to
the approval of the Arena Manager.

Athletes must wear the correct Club uniform with the sponsors registration number
and age tag affixed to the shirt / singlet / leotard. The registration number is to be placed
at the centre-front of the competition shirt / singlet / leotard, over the chest, with the age
tag above it at the left shoulder. A sponsor badge shall be placed opposite the age tag at
the right shoulder. Loss of these tags will incur a replacement cost.

Plain, navy blue shorts must be worn, and they must finish above the knee. No coloured
stitching or large logos are allowed.

There are no specifications on socks, however, knee high socks are NOT to go over the
knees and impede the ability to effectively judge Walking events.

Logos no larger than a matchbox are permitted on garments.

Shoes are compulsory for all age groups in all events run by the Centre and Little

Only Christmas Tree Spikes are to be worn at the Ern Clark Athletic Centre. The use of
spikes is optional, though they may only be worn in the age groups and events listed
U6 to U10 Age Groups – Spikes are not permitted for any event (this includes shoes
capable of taking spikes).
U11 to U12 – May wear spiked shoes for Hurdles, 100m, 200m, 400m, Javelin, Long and
Triple Jumps and High Jump.
U13 to U17 – May wear spiked shoes for Hurdles, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m,
High Jump, Javelin, Long and Triple Jumps.

Shoes will carry a maximum needle spike length of 7mm for synthetic track, 9mm for
synthetic field (Javelin, Long and Triple) and 12mm for grass (running and jumping).

The maximum number of spikes allowed per shoe is seven (7).

Spikes are NOT to be used in high jump events onto the 100mm “scissors” mat or in long
and triple jump events where the half metre square mat is used. Shoes capable of taking
spikes cannot be worn if blanks are inserted.

Please refer to Little Athletics Specifications for the rules for Spikes in Relay Events or
contact the Championships Officer for further clarification.

Use of spikes in the arena will be monitored during the season with regards to the safety
of younger competitors competing in close proximity.

The code of safety for the wearing of spikes must be adhered to at all times.

Centre Uniforms

Centre uniforms are to be worn by athletes representing the centre at state events for all state events. Centre uniforms can be purchased from our Centre Uniform Co-ordinator.

The Southern Stars singlets, t-shirts, polos and tracksuit jackets are available from the Uniform Manager at Saturday Competitions.

Please direct your enquiries to
